On the faithless, Of their hope,
What can words speak,
A day , a week and years have gone by.
Of the godless, of salvation,
Why was hell written,
For the heaven be so droll.
Of the religious, of the rightful,
Why do elders speak,
For we do an innate beast share.
Of the virtues, Of the faith,
What does life ask,
but a grim smile and a toothless stare.
We live on faith.We fight for it.And then again sometimes we fight against it.Some say faith is all but a hope for redemption.But then where is hope? Where is redemption?
For so much that religion teaches us, for the belief that it provides and the faith, the gods do promise redemption.And redemption comes as a promise of an afterlife none have seen.Of the three what has to be decided is, which is the bigger joke. The faith that drives us, the religion that preaches hope or the gods that never were.